Planning a Concert -Part 1

For awhile now, I’m been working diligently on the CD Release Concert on November 29th for the new record. I’ve realized four simple rules that help concert goers stay engaged the whole show. According to artist mastermind Tom Jackson, there are three rules to a great show:  1) to be captured and engaged, 2) to experience moments, and 3) to have their lives changed in some way. I think there may be an addendum to that rule as well: Rule 4) technical excellence of audio and visual can make or break rule 1, 2 & 3.

This is last rule is so important as many local concerts, though are filled with talented artists, do not have world-class sound, lighting or other visuals. For our concert, many valley production companies have decided to donate gear and expertise for as high of impact of a show possible. Remember, all concert proceeds go to Northrise Students in Zambia.

We are using these rules as a basis for the up coming concert on November 29th, 2012.

You can purchase tickets: HERE

5 thoughts on “Planning a Concert -Part 1

  1. ellisjames says:

    ‘choreography, multi-media and pyrotechnics’ yup, just like the time at NAU (1974.5) at which I passed on spending an entire $3.00 to see an old burned out blues band who just hired a couple of ‘chick’ singers in a 500 seat auditorium. Fleetwood who? Then there was the time when I could not afford the entire $25 to see Pink Floyd at the Phoenix Giants Municipal Stadium so I walked from Tempe and sat in the (at that time) desert across the street to the north of the stadium, sat on a blanket and appreciated how the sound flattened out across the earth after it had bounced off of the concrete nearly .25 miles away. The last time that I ‘saw’ the Grateful Dead I sold my ticket after sitting in unusually warm late April traffic for hours, facing the blazing sun, in my 1957 VW Singlecab pickup truck without any beverage to drink while waiting. I ‘heard’ Jerry over the fence from the parking lot. Kind deeds and Top Ramen was simply not quite the same. I passed on the Kool-aid that was offered to me (several times)…

    On the otherhand, I think that I will be sure to buy an actual ticket (or two) so that I may actually see AND hear the genius of Robert Payne & Friends. -ellis “winning!”

    1. Robert says:

      James which pink Floyd tour was that? Wish you were here?


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