
I am a productivity NUT! I am commissioned for work in the kingdom of God and I am constantly looking for ways to be more effective.

I use Producteev as it allows me to keep tasks an projects in order on my iPhone, work Mac and home PC.

What do you use to stay on task?

12 thoughts on “Productivity

  1. Robert Payne on Facebook says:

    Yeah, the only thing this really lacks is sync with any kind of real calendar, such as google or iCalendar. However it allows more of a project based task system which is nice

  2. Heidi Sheridan says:

    I use “things” on my iphone for my to do list and projects. I can schedule “things” at a later date, check off tasks within a large project and it logs tasks completed as well as moves items within the categories of today, next, scheduled, and someday.

    1. Robert says:

      Does “Things” sync with anything? like a desktop or Mac app?

      1. Heidi Sheridan says:

        mac/ipad unfortunately not windows based (that is what I have at work)

        1. Robert says:

          “Things” is pretty pricey for not being multi-platform. At $10, producteev seems to do everything that does and be cross platform, including browser plugins too. What nothing has done for me yet, is work in an email interface. As we’ve had this discussion, I realized I get almost all of my tasks via email. It would be awesome to have a cross-platform app that could integrate certain emails into a timeline. Almost like Microsoft project and a task list with a timeline option. Also, this app needs to sync with either iCal or Google Cal, Microsoft Cal, all of the above, etc. The real downside to producteev is that it relies on its own internal calendar, which, I know I never use, or ever would use.


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