Well, its about time: Album Update

There are a lot of you wondering how the album is coming and I would say its coming along great, however there have been a few scheduling difficulties that have come up preventing us from moving into the mixing phase.

Here’s the skinny: I was extremely fortunate to work into engineer Ralph Patlan’s schedule during a two week break of another one of his projects. When that band finished we were to continue mixing. Unfortunately, that other project is going long and is still occupying Ralph’s attention. We will begin mixing asap!

But, I have great news! I will be doing a few things in the meantime to keep rocking on the project:

1) Next week I will begin fulfilling the rewards that are beyond just the album. Keep and eye out in your email!

2) I will be streaming a live acoustic concert as part of one of the rewards. I’ll let you know way in advance so you can plan on checking it out.

3) Speaking of shows, I’m working on putting the live show together for the release concert. I’m so excited for you to hear the music and see it live!

4) In the next few weeks I have some AMAZING announcements that will come your way. I’m working on all those details.

That reminds me, are you following the blog? Follow the twitter/facebook/email list all that! Let’s do this together ya’all!


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